
Functions and Roles

Like in many other sports, there are two functions in Korfball: Attack and Defense.
The attack position has its own subdivision; players can function as the assister, rebounder or attacker. As a defender the player can defend either the main attacker, the rebounder or the assisting player of the opposition. In (the highest levels of) Korfball, the final positions can circulate by the top players of the team. These players can do all of these functions and rotate between them. The way the player designs his function depends on his character and temper (and might be describe as different Action Types). This depends on the preferences of the player.
Here I would like to introduce the different "roles".

In the attack the player can choose to act as (depending on his preference) a Tiger, a Panther, a Bear or a Wolf. In the animal world, all these animals are know as killers. They are the winners in their own biotope. Of course these biotopes come with their own characteristics, conditions and preferences, which is a consequence of the players physiological, anatomical and mental qualities (like for instance length, speed, flexibility, concentration, confidence and team spirit). You can read the charachter and preferences of the player from his performance.

In the defense we can distinguish the roles of the Guard, the Hunter, the Center and Guerrilla. These names have a relation to the names of warriors and also illustrate the special physical and mental skills of these defense players.




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