
The Center

Photo: Cor Mantel

The role of the Center in the korfball defence
Description of the Center Role

The center, is the defender who is guarding the Bear. The Bear is the attacker who takes care of the rebounds nearby or under the post.

The center is normally the tallest player in the defense division. (1.85 – 2.00 mtrs) He is strong and has a good body mass as well. In many cases the Center’s primary role is to defend the Bear: don’t give any shooting chance to the Bear. He plays 1-1 against the Bear around and close to the korfball post. The Center who possesses size along with athleticism and korfball skill constitutes an unparalleled assets for a division and team. The Center is often a good jumper.

Special skills of the Center

1. The Center can play a strict 1- 1. The Center will always be aware of the Bear's position.

2. The Center can read where the ball will drop after a shot. He is ready to duel with the Bear,
after each shot for intercepting the ball. The Center is aware of the tension between risk and
control. The risk is in the duel: the tension between rebound chance and the chance of losing
the defense position. The control is: no shooting chance for the Bear.

3. The Center can change his position depending on the position of the ball and by doing that he
closes the ball line to the post. (front defense)

4. The Center can do different actions together:
· Guarding the Bear;
· Coaching his Guards; From the position of the Center he is able to coach the Guards and the
Guerrilla, players who are defending very often with their back to the ball.
· Guarding the ball line to the area, back of the post;
· Guarding the assist area just in front of the post where the Wolf will assist Tiger and Panther
· To overtake the role of the Guard of the Tiger or Panther. The Center should always be
ready to rotate roles.

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