
The Guard and The Hunter

Defence: 1-1 the role of the guard and the Hunter
Defence is very often a topic that we don’t give enough attention. Coaches and players
think very often that defence is an issue you pass through on the way to a score.
Defence is in top korfball the other side of the balance.

A good defence gives the attackers really time for to score. For the defence the
order of importance should be borne in mind. The defender (Guard) of the Tiger
and (Hunter) of the Panther (main attackers) is of more (of another) importance than that of the defender of either the assist (can be Guerrilla) or rebound (Centre)

The instructions to all defenders are:
• prevent attempt of shots• block attempts to score
• hinder attempts to score thereby influencing the accuracy
• with a chance of a distance shot by the attacker don't change to allow a running-in
• provide assistance to fellow defenders with front defence
• impede the organization of the attack
• intercept the ball

The Bubble the basic idea of 1-1:

The defender should know be aware of the following points:
1. The defender has to avoid that his opponent makes shots. He can do this to play a
strict 1-1. This should happen in an area which is called the bubble. See the design.
The straight arm of the defender should reach the ball in the hands of attacker
which are in shooting position.

2. The defender should not stand erect A good rule for a lower crouch is: Make sure the
head of the Guard/Hunter is always lower than the head of the Tiger/Panther the defender
is guarding. By standing lower the Guard/Hunter is more ready to move. The weight of the
body of the Guard/Hunter should be to the back foot. Get in the Tiger's/Panther's bubble and
have your weight back. Guard/Hunter often stay too far away from their tiger and Panther.
When the Guard/Hunter is not in the bubble and the Tiger/Panther receives the ball or he
fakes without getting the ball and then the defender starts to move forward, the Guard/Hunter is too late to get to the bubble. His weight is forward so that the Guard/Hunter can not possibly beat the Tiger/Panther where he is going. The Guard/Hunter should be always in the bubble when the Tiger/Panther receives the ball in his hands. The Guard/Hunter needs a lot of communication especially by the Center defender.

3. Get in the bubble of the Tiger/Panther. This means the Guard/Hunter plays in a good defensive position.
Position means so close that the Guard/Hunter could slap the ball if the Tiger/Panther should hold the ball in shot position. To play good defence the Guard/Hunter must consistently be in that bubble. Even along there is front defence the Guard/Hunter should be able to get in the Tiger's/Panther's bubble. Every time the Tiger/Panther gets the ball, the Guard/Hunter strives to be in the bubble. The Guard/Hunter will be a constant irritation.

4. Position of the hands. When the Guard/Hunter expects the Tiger/Panther will get the ball, or the Tiger/Panther has the ball, in the shooting range, the Guard/Hunter should use his hands. “Hands up” at that special moments. If the Tiger/Panther with the ball is in shooting range, the Guard/Hunter should have one hand up almost touching the ball. The Guard/Hunter is prepared to block the shot. In this moment the Guard/Hunter is allowed to raise his body for an active block. When the Guard/Hunter defends a running Tiger/Panther. The hands of the Guard /Hunter do not have to be up.

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