
World Game analyzed

World Games analyzed

The information in the korfball tournament of the World Games was brief. NLKorfbal actually did it the best.

After the tournament statistics were available for us at home. The figures were collected in the 'Result Book'. (Swiss Times)
The design of the collection per match was organized. Although there was a slightly different design used as we know for Korfball League. Par example:  I could not see who was the personal opponent in the various 1-1 duels. This is needed to interpret the figures more precisely. Also, I could not find the figures of the attackers rebounds.

When the IKF site was proclaimed that Dimitry Kazachkov (RUS) and Suzanne Peuters (GER) were the top scorers of the tournament, I responded immediately without the knowledge i have now. I found that this information was totally incomplete. This kind of information brings an outsider on the wrong track. It looks like the information that a car needs less time to drive than a cyclist from Eindhoven to Amsterdam

They have indeed scored the most goals.
But  we need more data then the IKF provided us! It is a pity that IKF did not do this!
The reality is that Mr. Kazachkov played 5 full games (250 minutes) and in that time he scored 35 goals from 159 attempts (= 22%); Mrs. Peuters played 4.5 games, 225 minutes (a half match against Belgium) and scored 15 goals from 63 attempts (= 23 .8%)
If you look at this more nuanced than the Russian man with this percentage is far below the real shooters. Peuters is close behind the real top scorers.

The values ​​of the figures will be greater if there are images (videos), and thus the information can be fully analyzed. When are these images available?
Yet we can be cautiously draw some conclusions:
1. The playing schedule of korfball tournament is too heavy for the countries that cannot line up like the Netherlands and Belgium a homogeneous team. (Players that are equivalent to each other and are interchangeable in the line ups)
Netherlands and Belgium have 14 more or less equal players and can therefore give players after playing a match,  the next day a rest.
Netherlands and Belgium, can start the tournament with the 'second' line up so they can save the 'best' team. These players will play the final(s)..

Example shows that Chinese Taipei brought two men who only play 50 minutes each,  but in two different matches. Probably they are too weak for the other matches

Portugal takes up a guy who never plays and another man who plays only  34 minutes (!), A woman who only plays 71 minutes and another woman who plays 21 minutes. The physical strain of playing five games with  a similar line up of players, in 5 days is too heavy and will be reflected in the course of the tournament. Instead there to the end of the tournament, all matches should be highlights including the matches for the places 3-8 played, the matches were played by tired players. For even those countries that finally ended at positions 5 to 8 these teams played all matches with almost the same so tired players.

2. The above leads to the conclusion that teams have enough players but their capacity is not nearly equivalent. In the beginning of the tournament the better players are needed to ensure a position, before the finals During the finals the better players are obviously needed in order to legitimize the  participation and the costs of this. Why do coaches bring these players ot such important tournament if they don’t play any minute?

3. These two findings compel IKF and KNKV (Top6 project) to reflect on the design of international tournaments. It is to consider organizing two types of  International tournaments (World Cup, European Championship, WG, EC) can be played in the form now 8-8 as usual but 4-4 is a good opportunity for international championships. Especially the tournaments like World Games.

4. The new rule of substituting will  indicate the current state of affairs too little solace. Simply because there is too little equality within the selections.

5. For the IKF is recommended during the World Games to introduce another discipline: 4 on 4. The stage is smaller. I believe myself to a field 15 x 28 meters. That's the size of a basketball court. That is so easily available internationally. And so is the organization of the WG korfball tournament will be cheaper and we may expand more guidance etc.
Another option is a tournament with more rest days. This opportunity will not be appropriate for the World Games tournament, given the additional costs

6. When IKF discipline one division korfball (4-4) enter as WG discipline, instead of two divisons korfball (8-8) remains preserved the essence of korfball. (What with rugby rugby 7 and 15 is not the case)                            The duration of the time: I suggest that is played in four quarters of 15 minutes. That means resting briefly three times. This keeps korfball yet also a game of endurance and concentration,

Perhaps this is a subject that can be discussed at the congress in Portugal. 

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