
Allround and / or Specialism

Talents: All Rounders and Specialists
Talents are promises. They have to learn to compete and to win on the highest level.
A week ago I published the physical facts of the Dutch talent team (under 21)
Now I will make a comparison with the real top, the players of the Dutch National team

Average for male players:
Dutch National Team - Talents (under 21)

Body Height 1.95 m - 1.91 m

Weight 85 kg - 80.5 kg

Reach 2.55 m - 2.47 m

Reach with Jump from Stand 3.28 m - 3.18 m

The talents have to grow as well in body length, in weight and in reach with jump.
That will happen for there are very young men ( 19 years) in this group.
So if you look at the physical facts they have the promises that they will develop in the same way as the players of the national team.

However I d'not use their names in the article I will give some remarks about my expectations for their future.

I use for this, my definition of roles: Tiger; Bear; Wolf and Panther. Roles are based on physical and mental skills.
In my vision Top Players can play all round, in all roles and should have a very good level as a Tiger. Besides that they can excel in other roles.
Rotation of roles should be the basic option for the players of the National team!
So a top korfball player can be a specialist in one role but should have a high level to fulfill other roles.

In my opinion there are only two players in this group of talents who show that they can be a national team player in the next future. These two players can kill ( very good distance shot); can play a 1-1 duel (can go into the mental and physical fight); can pass and can read other players ( can communicate, cooperate and have split vision, is game intelligent = can read the game); can rotate in every role ( body strength under the post; can read the ball, can time to go in other positions; has a large action radius).

May be there are two players more (3 and 4) who can develop the skills which are needed for the players of the national team:

3. There is a remarkable Bear. Around the post he is a winner of rebounds. But he is not really a winner in finishing a good chance. He is a terrible shooter and shows a lack of fantasy. He can still learn to play more effective end with more fantasy.

4. The other man is skillful with the ball. But his action as a Tiger is totally not impressive. The movements (running) are too slow and too much as a dancer (circle movements). The movements are not sharp enough. He has a good talent for cooperation and communication. But he misses the real acceleration which is needed for Tiger and Panther.

In this group of talents there is only one player who can develop as a top Tiger. But this man is just too small for to rotate in the Bear role. He will be very valuable in a club team but he will never play in the National Team. He is not flexible enough in the way he shows his possibilities in the other roles during the match.

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