
Comment on All Round and Specialism

Adam Doroszuk from Poland asked a question:

Especially the last part about player, who in your opinion can develop as a top tiger, but he will never play in National Team because he is not very tall, gave me to think. And here goes my question:

isn`t it too radical, and maybe even harmful to say that he will never play in National Team just becasue he is small? Of course I see your point in this article- top players should be flexible,
and they have to play on the highest level in different roles on the field, but still- don`t you consider situation when for example player 1.80 m tall, who is a great tiger, and score much more goals than
taller players will play in Dutch National Team? What is more, this is not just imaginary situation. Nevertheless Casper Boom is an example for relatively short player, who is in Dutch National Team.
Also I have to meantion players like Bart Cleyman, Mitch Lenaerts or Ricky Wu- all of them are not very tall, but they play on the international top level.

So you think that if they were Dutch, they wouldn`t play in National Team?

As I said earlier, I understand that tall players are welcome in modern korfball, and it is important on top level that man can play equally effectively as a tiger, and as a bear , but is this really mean
that players shorter than 1.90 m can not even dream about being the best players in the world?
I really can`t wait to hearing from you.
With best regards-

Adam Doroszuk

Hi Adam,
Body length is now and in the future important feature for top korfball players.

I did not say/ mean that there is no chance for smaller men, like < 1.80 m.
In particular I gave some remarks about that fellow who is 1.83. The remark has to do with more observations than only his body length.
I see this man playing and training regularly in the national team under 21 . Then I observe how he is never rotating and never trying changing the Tiger role for Panther or Wolf. For the Bear role as his specialism, he is too small. Even a small man can rebound succesfully, by looking for the best position and reading and blocking the position of the opponent and recognise where the the ball will come down.
Mentally he wants to show himself only as a Tiger. He plays very often in a tunnel
So I give a prediction for this moment. It is a challenge for this man to show that he can be more valuable in the team, especially to cooperate in different ways with his teammates.
I cannot tell really the future but for now I gave him no chance.
Best regards,

Thank you for so quick answer.
From your article on the blog I understood that a small player will not play in National Team just because he is not able mentally to play more flexible. He should play also as a Wolf and Panther, not only as a Tiger, but he does not do this. It is not necessary for him to try go for the rebound because of his lenght.
So generally, the important thing is to develop yourself in different roles, even if somebody is not very tall, he can be very valuable in the team as a Tiger, Wolf and Panther, and can became top player.
By the way- you do really great job on your blog. It is probably the best source of korfball knowledge online. I can`t wait to see your next article!
With best regards- Adam.

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