
2. Look before you leap! "Timing and Direction"

Cooperation and Control
Cooperation is a basic feature of korfball. By passing the ball to each other, players cooperate and communicate towards a goal. To get to a scoring chance, passing the ball to eachother is important.
Passing is therefore a basic part of korfball - it is the build up of the scoring of a goal. The passing of the ball is also a good opportunity for the opponent to intercept. This is why control is needed when passing the ball.
Passing the ball is communication; it depends on a shared game language. It is very important that there is a consensus between the attackers about the objectives of the passing (which must be hidden for the defenders). Passing the ball can have the objective of an assist. This means that the assist wants the receiver to go for a shot. Attackers should also avoid that defenders can disturb their communication.
In general “passing the ball” is the same as the planning of a goal. This why passing the ball can have the objective of a threat for the defense player. When an attacker accepts a ball, the defender has to react. Of course the attacker want the defender to react a certain way.

Timing and Direction
Timing and direction are two very important parts of cooperation. Tempo is important to the speed of the pass. It is basically a quality of timing. At basis or the direction of the pass stand two attackers interacting, and taking into account the interaction of the defenders. The direction of a pass is based on the consensus or communication between the attackers. This communication is based on common knowledge of each others roles and qualities, and paths towards selected positions.
Of course only during the many trainings attackers learn to understand each other. I believe that every training should be game-like. There is no korfball training without playing a match like game!

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