
Defense strategey and tactics

On the 22th of January 2009 I wrote about the order of objectives for the defence.
I think it is very important that the defender knows how to work with this order (strategy / tactics) during a match.

Sun Tzu Quote (“The Art of War”): “Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory. Tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat..”
If the reader can visualize an attack then he/she can imagine what the defender can do tactically.

Step 1: When the ball enters the attack, there will be pressure on position and pressure on accepting the ball.
Normally the ball enters the attack nearby the middle line. Here an attacker will accept the ball. The first objective of the attacker is to make an organization where all the players can come and play with the ball in their shot range. Obviously, an attacker who cannot accept the ball is not dangerous. An attacker who plays outside his/her shot range, is also not dangerous. The defense can start to hinder players to accept the ball in their shot range.

The defenders must always work to put pressure on the positions and possibilities (where and how) of the attacker to accept the ball. This means that while every defender plays as a guard, he or she should not only focus on the movements of the attacker in a 1-1 situation. The defender has a double task: he also has to know the position of the ball. Thus, by taking the position of the guard, the defender has to construct a triangle makes a triangle in his/her position:
a. so that he/she can observe his/her personal opponent;
b. the player who plays the ball and
c. the korf

So the defender is not defending precisely on the main ax of attacker and korf. He also has to keep enough distance from the attacker to change from an "open" to a "closed" (totally 1-1) position. In an open position (when there is 1 or 2 meters distance between defender and attacker), the defender can hunt his opponent, by giving pressure on position or sometimes even on the ball line.
The ball line is the line between the player who will pass the ball and the player who will accept the ball.
In an attack there are normally three possible ball lines. These lines are the lines between the player who possesses the ball and the three other players.
A good defender is reading and calculating which line is the most favorable and which line is the most predictable ball line. From his position he can work to exclude (close) the ball line from his opponent or to put enough pressure on the position of the attacker to make him move out of shot range.
A defender has success with his play when the attacker has to move further from the korf or when the attacker accepts the ball when he is not faced to the korf (centralized).

Step 2: Sun Tzu Quotes
“Know thy self, know thy enemy. A thousand battles, a thousand victories.”
“If you know the enemy and know yourself you need not fear the results of a hundred battles.”
First of all, the defender should know his own possibilities and limitations. Besides this, the defender should know the preferences of his opponent.
In training and matches the player can learn what his own possibilities are. The coach can be a guide for the player to help him to be aware of his talent (of course, a coach and players can also use video).

Before the match the coach can make a picture of the opponent:
• The lineup
• The process of the set-up of the attack
• The structure of the attack (3-1; 2-2a)
• The preferred roles of the players; the technical preferences and implementation of the players (strong and weak points)

Step 3: A defender should be aware that he/she has to change roles.
Mostly there is a development in defense, that moves from action to re-action

From Hunter to Guard.
From Guard to Center
From Center to Guard
From Guard to Guerrilla
From Guerrilla to Guard

Step 4 Defense and cooperation
In modern korfball defense is not an individual action; there are the systems of front defense and back defense. But by a special implemenation of roles there are possiblities to cooperate between the two. The Center, Guerrilla and the Hunter roles can be used especially well to cooperate with the Guard.

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