
SWAN FUND needs your support

When Adri Zwaanswijk, best known as "Swan", ended his korfball career, the Swan Fund was founded.
It's aim was to continue Swan's pioneering efforts on the internationalisation of korfball.
The International Korfball Federation (IKF), the Dutch Korfball Association (KNKV) and Swan himself donated the initial financial base. The Fund is maintained and expanded by contributions of friends, supporters and clubmembers of the Swan Fund.

The foundation date and place are September 29, 1992; Rotterdam, The Netherlands.
The Swan Fund is a non-profit organisation.


Since 1992 the Swan Fund aims to promote the development of international korfball.
The Fund financially supports development programs of organisations related to the International Korfball Federation (IKF).
Associations, clubs and individuals can submit requests for financial support. If a proposal meets the selection criteria and has a sufficient chance of success, it can be supported.

The board mostly meets 4 times a year to discuss  organisation, fundings, projects and grants of the Swan Fund.
The actual president is:
Theo van der Linde,  E-mail: van.d.linde@hccnet.nl

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